Sunday, March 24, 2013



Jerrold Abbington - a former Congressman from California who had run unsuccessfully for the U. S. Senate before leaving his wife and three kids and coming out of the closet as gay. 

Tricia Abbington – the former wife of Jerrold Abbington; An author of some note burning with the desire to run for President.  

Yang di-Pertuan Agong – the monarch. King of Malaysia

Don Allen - a congressman from Texas who had been the Libertarian candidate for President in 1988 and was one of three Republican congressmen to vote against the L.O.Y.A.L.T.Y. Act.

Ralph Babbitt – Editor of the Canal Street Journal

Ahmad Badawi – a Malaysian with theories on human genetics.

Professor Simon Barker – a devotee of Ayn Rand and the economics of Ludwig von Mises who heads the department of economics at Moundville.

Brenden Banks - a graduate of Cal Tech.

Loyal Barrington - the head of Green4Peace International when the Rainbow Marine was first dedicated to the protection of the planet in the 70s. A Libertarian.

Dreg Barnsdale - the congressional aide to Borin Fletch - the Senator from Missouri who made getting Orville Johns his seat on the Supreme Court a matter of personal honor.

Fredrick Barry – a model for conservative behavior. His best selling book plastered the country and was titled, A Tome of Truths. He gambles, and his dominatrix, Madame Ling accompanies him to Las Vegas.

Clarence Bingley - an old friend of Gramps and a semi retired local attorney.

Harold Blandale – a science fiction writer who followed in the traditions of Heinlein so closely he left no footprints of his own.

Ralph Bourbonstein - Secretary of Defense for the Branch Administration.

Dormer Bradshaw – a regular pundit on Tough Talk

Jack Bradstreet - the junior senator from Massachusetts and the Democratic candidate for President in 2004.

Nora and Garth Brannons – Garth is an enlisted serviceman in the Army. Nora is his wife. They are both loyal Americans.

Wesley Bender – a former U.S. Senator who is now running against Fore for the Democratic nomination for President.
Horace Blandinger – Secretary of State for Ricardo Dixon

Ricke Blintz – Dixon’s vice president.  He was forced to resign.

Eben Boraden – terrorist leaser responsible for 9/11

Bristol S. Branch – the Branch Senior, a former senator from Connecticut whose son and grandson have been elected President.

Ralph W. Branch - the great-grandson of Bristol Branch

Matilda Brakmueller - the founder of Raptor Homeguard, an apologist for using government to prevent women from the exercise of their full rights.

Dwayne and Naomi Brenderhoffer – the friends of Lindsey who hide her after she is threatened by Dicks.

Babbs Bronson – a producer of specials that sometimes air late at night in the Midwest

Carly Brown – a female pundit of the conservative variety. She is dumpy and pedestrian but earnest.

Gregory Bugsley – the former President of Moundville. This dynamo brought the institution for higher learning out of the doldrums into prosperity making it the premier school for the freedom movement. He did this at great profit to himself while diddling every woman in sight including his daughter-in-law.

Loretta Bugsley – the daughter-in-law of Moundville President Gregory Bugsley who was seduced by him and later committed suicide.

Marvin Burkowitz – a top advisor in the administration of Fillmore Quince and still a close personal friend who spends an enormous amount of time on the computer.

Lily Carson – the young and very blond technical advisor who Bernard met while arranging a tour of Malaysia for Ronald Delmont.

Abdul Chepolti – a former felon who is the administration pick as one of their own for the much glamorized position of dictator of Iraq.

Dagwood Chinsbaum – formerly a vice president for the multi-national corporation, Hellsbegoring and now vice president of the United States.

Minnie Clayton- the woman who came forward with charges against Orville Johns.

Jentry Collingsworth – a congressman with definite NeoCon tastes.

Rachael Cowling – a woman prominent in the Libertarian Party nationally.

Richard Creek – the founder of Rationality Foundation and the coiner of the term privatization.

Brusk Crimshaw – a hugely popular talk show host whose show originates from the Empire State Building in New York.

Ronald Delmont- the CEO of Benron

Diamond – the private investigator hired by Dave.

Tom Dicks – a highly prominent journalist serving on the Editorial Board of the Canal Street Journal who actually is an agent for the coalition presently pumping for the nomination of Randolph S. Branch, Jr. a Republican Governor from Texas who is a candidate for President.

Ricardo Dixon – the first US president to be impeached.

David von Mises Elder – the hero of the story, a graduate of Moundville, Michigan and a thoroughly good guy.

Jacob Elderhous – Gramps

Judith Elderhous – Dave’s deceased Aunt.

Rector Elliot – Gladys’s father

Eleanor Elliot – Gladys’s mother.

Bobby Lee Emory - President elected in 1976.

Felix Eunuchman – a slightly slimy journalist who likes to run up against the likes of Tom Dicks.

Darla Farnsworth - called Dolly around the Elk’s Lodge in a small town in Utah.

Ludmilla Fig – a punditting regular on Tough Talk

Borin Fletch – the Senior Senator from Missouri who did everything humanly possible to secure enough votes to guarantee Orville Johns his seat on the Supreme Court.

Jeb Franks – attorney for President Quince and old friend who committed suicide in the Rose Garden.

Jasper Figstein-Fog – the libertarian master of persuasion whose eye is firmly on the bottom line.

Drab Freeport - the son of, the Nobel Laureate in Economics who writes books people actually read. 

Melvin Freeport – the Nobel Laureate in Economics.

Jeb Franks - the attorney for Quince who had shot himself to death in the Rose Garden.

Armstrong Fore – the Vice President of the United States for the last two terms, serving under Fillmore Quince. He is now a candidate for President himself.

Jim Garrity – a professor or anthropology at NYU who is married to Nannette Sacks.

Ralph Gibbons - a Democratic Congressman from Massachusetts who occasionally tries out for the job of Pundit on Tough Talk

Stanley (Pork) Glibheart – a congressman from Georgia who used his first wife to fund and position himself as an up and coming presence for family values in the community. He dumped her while she was in the hospital fighting cancer. He took the money; she is now living on the charity of her church and he is on his third wife though number two does not yet know this.

Percy (PG) Grolick – a veteran from Florida who wants to start using political action to help veterans.

Dr. Sybil Gwynn – a professor at Yale who was also and officer in the OSS, covert.

Drusilla Hatfield – the sister of Trudi Hatfield Steigler, Coop’s former wife.

Saddemun Hesistan – the despot secular leader of Iraq El-Dictator.

Commander Lionel Hays – Commander of St. Petersburg Post No. 39, Veterans of Foreign Wars.

Bernard Hightower – a petroleum engineer whose first job out of college was working for Enron.

Frances Lemay Hightower – the wife of Bernard Hightower.

Seth and Lee Hightower – Bernard and Fran’s sons.

Dan Hightower – Bernard Hightower’s brother.

Sandy Hightower – Dan’s wife.

Roberta Hofmeyer - a tall, horsy girl originally from Seton, North Dakota who tells everyone she is from around Boston.
Dr. Jonas Hopsmeyer - a professor of philosophy at USC.  First Libertarian candidate for president, 1972 election.

Craig Humstead – the Svengali of political dirty tricks who is running the Branch campaign with an iron foot.

Cliff Ironworker – Linden’s former husband, the only man to ever stalk Ayn Rand.
Lloyd Jackson – a journalist at the semi-underground NY paper the Town Trumpet

Orville Johns – a Supreme Court Justice appointed although there were questions about his qualifications and character.

Benny Kraust - an attorney practicing in Los Angeles considered a cofounder of Rationality Magazine.

April Kravowitz - the lovely blond wife of Frank.

Frank Kravowitz – the pink diaper baby recycling as a Republican.

Simon Knickerbocker – the congressman from the area around Moundville.

Fredericka La Fond – the woman who conned Coop.

Darrel Larson – his business card announces him as an expert in public relations but his income comes from extortion.

Jeff Lawrence – a former U. S. Army officer, who was held in North Vietnam for 6 years, returned home to run for Congress and is now running for the Republican nomination for President.

Franklin Leadpart – a Congressman who also ran for President and served as Minority House Leader.

Karen Le Bray – a woman engineer who had no intentions regarding motherhood.

Gregory Linderheim – Babbs Bronson’s new boy friend from Florida. 

Feather Lockley – a minor star in the Hollywood constellation.   

Rob Loper – a news anchorman for XYZ news.

Jeff Le Strange – a friend of Dave’s who always has the latest gossip.

Dr. Claude Less – the father of Home schooling

Matthew Maguire - the former chief of staff for the Wallace administration.

Claire Manning – a woman employed at Moundville.

Bobby Joe Meredith - the cousin, who died leaving George Weston with the duty of clearing out his office and home in Garland.

Roy MacBrain the grandson of the author of a famous series of children’s books and an elector from Vermont in the 72 election.
Paul Shadow – a career military enlisted man with custody of his four children from a previous marriage.

Ralph ‘Musk’ McCallum - an oilman from Canada who ran a huge conglomerate of interests all over the world and B.A. Shreveport, another individual whose massive oil empire included refineries and pipelines all over the world. 
Loren Mendelssohn - the editor of Federal Oversight

Jimmy McGee - the Senator from Massachusetts and the brother of assassinated President Jerry McGee

Tom McGonagall – a career politician and pundit personality who always runs for the Republican nomination.

Christopher Mershon – a student volunteer during the Lawrence campaign in New Hampshire.

Ezekial, Charles and Sunny Mitchell – sons of John and Helen Mitchell.

Helen Mitchell – a mother, wife, and homemaker living in Charlotte, North Carolina

John Mitchell - a husband and father and contractor living in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Manda and Leah Mitchell – daughters of John and Helen Mitchell

Jason Mitford - was a student at Yale who dated Gladys.

Felicia Morgenthau - a dark haired young woman who is a member of the Hamiltonian Society in Los Angeles.

Brian Morris – a classmate of Dave’s from Moundville. He went on from there to attend law school at Columbia.

Barney Morris - the mythic figure in the classics who fried his brains on booze and drugs after a life time of abusing his wife and children.

Fidor Mortan – a cofounder of Rationality Magazine who writes long and very detailed analyses of comparative epistemology. He is an Objectivist.

Jan Morton – a thinly gorgeous punditte with the personality of a bulldog. She is a bottle blond.
Dennis Neilson – the founding Chairman of the Libertarian Party.

Dr. Valerie Newcomb - the world famous psychiatrist

Teri North – radio talk show host.  First vice presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party.  First woman to receive an electoral vote.

Lancelot O’Hara – a former Army Intelligence agent who is also a writer and provocative member of the New York Literati.

Hyman Opal – the originator of the term, Neoconservative.

Fillmore Quince – a former governor of Arkansas who was elected President of the United States

Mrs. Pratchet - the former Prime Minister of England

The Professor – a libertarian activist from Massachusetts.
Gladys Elliot Ramsey – a child of the Easter Elite dedicated to improving the world. 

Lionel Ramsey – Gladys’s former husband. 

Vanessa Page Ramirez - the first woman to be named to the Supreme Court.

Don Richardson – the quasi- journalist who writes the most scandalous and but read column in New York, Page 3 ½

Paul Roofer – a covert operative working for petroleum interests within the United Nations.

Nanette Sacks – the first girl that Dave ever worshiped from afar. She is slender, with flowing blond hair and huge bluish green eyes. She is intelligent. Nann’s father is an attorney practicing in Shipslide, Connecticut.

Debbs Satto - the secretary for Matthew Maguire, the former chief of staff for the Wallace administration.

General Brad Schlephosher – the heroic general who emerged victorious from the previous war with Iraq in the early 90s.

Jacob Schmitz – Jak, as his friends call him, is a pseudo journalist whose newsletter on gourmet restaurants is faxed regularly to all of his 13 friends across upper Manhattan.

Ellen Selfridge - the founding president of NOW at Princeton

Jake Sludge - the pin headed Internet weenie who was addicted to weather reports before adding political gossip to the online menu of his starkly ugly orange and black website and morphing into a millionaire.

Crass Smart - Secretary of State for the Branch administration.

Loren Steubenbaum – a Hollywood Producer who made the mistake of helping Frank Kravowitz and, like most of the Kravowitz enthusiasts, was sued for his efforts

Kim Tanner – a young member of the Hamiltonian Society in Los Angeles.

Pooch (Sylvia) Smith – a school friend of Eleanor Elliot’s. 
Dirk Smithers – Coop’s former second in command.

Dagny Smithson - the younger sister of Lindsey Smithson, a graduate of Moundville

Linden Smithson – Lindsey and Dagney’s mother

Lindsey Smithson – the daughter of a former Libertarian, now a Republican living in New York.

Mildred Stassenbaum – the intern who nearly ended a presidency. 

Ray Rayford Stiller – a professor at NYU who does stand up comedy of the political kind.

Jess Stone – one of Bernard’s former bosses at Peace for the Planet.

Harvey Storm – the shocking talk show host from New York who ran, however briefly, as a Libertarian candidate for Governor.

Perk Story – a pundit on Tough Talk

Dale Sorenson - a Republican Congresswoman from South Carolina.

Bert Sowers – An old friend of Dave’s grandfather who is now living in Texas and selling Recreational Vehicles.

Mark Stanley – An employee of the New York Institute who was two years ahead of Dave Elder at Moundville. He has moved into mainstream politics big time.

Beatrice “Bead” Steigler – the young daughter of Jack “Coop” Steigler
Trudi Hatfield Steigler – the estranged wife of Jack “Coop” Steigler
Robin Symington – a long time friend of Gladys, who she met before the London Conference in 1973. Robin is from New Zealand and has dedicated his life and career to the environmental movement

Loretta Mac Taggart Shadow – the former wife of Paul Shadow.

Griselda Troutville – the dishonorable judge who Coop debenches. Her family has been wallowing up to the trough of public preferment for at least 8 generations although some of those generations are pretty short.

Vladimir VorMortag – a prodigy savant now teaching law at UCLA.

Cyrus Washington – the iconoclastic spokesman for the Western Alliance in Arizona.
Larry S. Waterhouse – the savant whose personal skills leave much to be desired but whose math and analytical skills are legendary.

George Weston - A good ‘ol boy from Texas with no respect for politicians.

Edmund White - former two time Libertarian presidential candidate

The Places, Organizations, and non-human Players

American Field Service – a service organization which was actually used by the CIA in covert operations.

Benron – a huge corporation dealing in energy sources including petroleum with close connections, personally and financially, to the Branch family.

BNN – an outlet for television news. 

Cicero Institute – a not for profit that was originally founded by Libertarians with the assistance of a variety of interests. Their chief accomplishment to date is to have suggested that Social Security be privatized without ever saying how. They have been growing steadily in influence for the last 25 years funded mostly by donations from oil companies.

Contact with America – the Pledge offered by Pork Glibheart that swept the Republican Party into the majority position in Congress for the first time in a generation.

Daughters Hotel – Large and stuffily elegant hotel in Washington D.C. patronized by the personas of power.

Enterprising for America Foundation – a nonprofit that coins money for justifying the transfer of wealth from American citizens and others to corporations and government.

Fabituso Society – a monthly cocktail party lavishly subsidized by its two sponsors, The New York Institute and Cicero Foundation.

Federal Oversight – A prestigious organ that is instrumental in formulating Conservative and Republican thinking.
Hellsbegoring – a multi-national corporation that has a very cozy relationship with all politicians.

Humpershots, Georgia – the very nice small town outside of Atlanta where the Brenderhoffers live.

The Fortress - the headquarters of the Our History Foundation

Freed Democracy – a website based in Fresno California that appeals to the nexus point of Libertarian and conservative man who has little or no social life off of the web.

FreeMarketPlace – A book store now an on line virtual shop that formerly sold books for the Freedom Movement all through the mail. Its patrons rarely use credit cards preferring cash, gold, checks or barter.

Fulbright College – a dorm at Yale. 

L. O. Y. A. L T. Y. Act. – a proposal rushed into law after 9/11 that canceled the Bill of Rights.

Mossternistas – the dominant leadership faction of the LP from 1984 – 2002.

Moundville – A tiny college catering to 1,000 students each year in Michigan that is considered to be the premier educational institution in the world by it cadre of faithful supporters. This includes a sizable chunk of the Republican and Libertarian Parties

Mother Earth Day – a yearly event that began with the United Nations in 1968.

Mt. Holybark – one of the Seven Sisters

National Outrage of Women – a women’s organization founded to help women over come the problems of gender.

New York Institute – A policy foundation located, not surprisingly, in New York, that produces policy and opinion from a stable of writers drawn from Libertarian and Conservative circles.
Our Country – a leftist journal that is published nationally.

Our History Foundation – a not for profit foundation whose interests run curious parallels with the petroleum industry

Paymax Petroleum – one of five oil companies that cooperate on deals all over the world.
Pre through Graduate – the home schooling curriculum put together by Fredrick Barry in the hopes of impacting impressionable young people and making a fast buck.

Poaching the Potomac – an Internet site that grills the innocent along with the guilt
Prime Thoughts – newsletter for Moundville College.

Randolph, Bates, Farnum and Fineman – a brokerage firm with offices in New York on Canal Street

Rivergate – the massive complex in D.C. where the crimes of underlings resulted in bringing down a president.

Shipslide, Connecticut – Dave and Branch’s home town
Thatcher School – Eastern Prep. School. 

Skull and d’Bones – a secret society founded by an Illuminati wanna-be at Yale in the 1800s.

This Morning Show – an early morning news and chat show viewed nationally.

The Salty Miner – the nicest eatery in a small town in Utah.

The Wishing Bowl – a favorite restaurant of the Hightower’s in Malaysia

Thursday Evening Club – a monthly meet and greet held at the digs, home and offices run by Maurice Freeborn in Washington D. C.

Tough Talk - An every night commentary show airing on Vixen Television. Its moderator is Roger Daniels, a tall blond board of a guy with a booming voice and cheery attitude towards life.

Vixen Television – a media outlet that airs NeoCon opinions. 

Watergate – an upper end apartment building on 34th Street in Manhattan across from the NY Hospital.

Westhaven Liberty Alliance – spin off of the Libertarian Party in Arizona

Windhammer College – one of the Seven Sisters

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